I was praying about a week ago and realized something amazing. Again if I'm wrong please correct me.
Women aren't complemented enough. Now think about this.
When a girl is younger most likely they are complemented by there parents, and told how pretty they are. Yet as that girl gets older she no longer seeks the approval of her parents, but instead the approval of girls her age or generally guys. Since most guys think without there brain, but something else they decide to belittle and talk down most girls. That causes that girl in most cases to not love herself and want to be like everyone else. Thus, increasing the need for make up, a want and a need for love by others, and sexual promiscuity. Which I think is why girls are getting knocked up at younger ages every year. Hint hint (Sixteen and pregnant, Teen Mom) Both shows about under aged girls who thought that if they slept with a guy they would be loved and half of the men leave. So here is my solution. Complements, guys need to really man up and complement women whenever possible. I don't mean complement them so that you can benefit from it, but instead complement them so they feel better about themselves. Guys please start thinking with your brain and heart not the other thing. Just try it and enjoy the reaction of making someones day.
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