Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Parkour, ordinary people doing insanely awesome things.

        I’m an avid fan of Parkour and free running.  For those of you who don’t know what that is, well just go to you tube and look it up.  I tend to free run/parkour whenever I have the chance, minus the flips cause I don‘t want to break my neck.  I’ll break it down into simple math for you.  Extreme + dangerous + fun + adrenaline = parkour.  When I started doing this awesome activity I started slowly adding a new rule to my life.  It is jump first and think about it when it’s over.  Now I’m not saying go jump off a building and hope that you live because that isn‘t what it is about.  Parkour is about testing yourself and reaching your physical limit.  Bottom line is I’m a risk taker.  Here is where the life lesson comes in.
People are so afraid to take a risk nowadays.  Remember when you were a kid?  How carefree you were?  You felt invincible right?  What happened when we got older?  Why are we so afraid of bad things happening that we sit on a couch watching tv wondering what could have happened if we just took that chance, if we just said what we felt.  Here is where it all mixes together.
Parkour and free running are a lot like life.  There are times when your going to try something new and it is going to scare the crap out of you.  You‘re going to reach a point in which you are staring at a wall that you know you can get over, but your not sure about how your going to land.  It isn’t whether you land on your feet or on your butt, the real learning experience is taking the risk and learning from it knowing that you at least tried.  Story time!!!!
It was my first time attempting parkour and I’m staring at this gap.  My jumping point was six feet higher then the part I was landing on and the distance was about eight feet.  Doesn’t seem like much now, but I was scared out of my mind.  I had chickened out two times already and before I had the chance to talk myself out of it the third time I ran full speed to the edge and went for it.  I hit the ground quickly tucking my body in so I could roll into a run.  It was awesome and now I handle it like I’ve done it all my life.
I had been in practice for a long time noticing a lot of problems.  Sitting back I wished someone would stand up and talk about what was going wrong.  I waited a little while longer hoping that it wouldn’t have to be me.  Practice is over and I’m walking away wondering how things could have gone if someone had stood up and said something.  The next day practice starts again.  I notice the same problems and decide to confront them.  Practice ends and I talk to the leaders.  Amazed at my willingness to bring the problems up they begin to work to make things better.  Those problems are now getting solved.
Both of these stories are true.  While every instance of my life hasn’t worked out like these two stories did, I’m happy to say that I have no regrets about trying something new.  You have the choice; sit around wondering what could have been, or do something and watch it happen in front of you.

Monday, September 5, 2011

My Devotion... Enjoy

There are three kids.  All are invited to a party, and they all know that there will be alcohol at this party.  The first kid decides to go to the party because he has had a stressful week and he wants to relax and get away.  He ends up drinking so much that he eventually passes out by a toilet from puking his guts out.  The second kid decides to go along as well thinking that he will be fine.  He thinks that he won’t drink but is quickly talked into drinking.  He regrets this decision later.  The third kid on the other hand decided that he didn’t want to go to the party.  He knew that if he put himself in that sort of environment that his chance of drinking was higher.
Which kid are you?  Do you welcome in sinful behavior like the first kid?  Maybe you don’t welcome it but allow yourself to be put into situations that can cause you to sin.  You might not want it to happen but peer pressure is different when your put yourself in that position.  Are you kid two?  Maybe your kid three.  The kid that instead of putting himself into an environment that could cause a lot of pain and regret, decides that going home would be the best idea.  It might not be as fun but at least he won’t regret being able to remember what he did.  Here is the Bible’s take on it.
Proverbs 1:8-19  “8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. 9 They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.  10  My son, if sinful men entice you, do not give into them.  11  If they say, “Come along with us; let’s lie in wait for innocent blood, let’s ambush some harmless soul; 12  let’s swallow them alive like the grave, and whole like those who go down to the pit;  13  we will get all sorts of valuable things and fill our houses with plunder;  14  cast lots with us; we will all share the loot”--  15  my son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths;  16  for their feet rush into evil they are swift to shed blood.  17  How useless to spread a net where every bird can see it!  18  These men lie in wait for their own blood; they ambush only themselves!  19  Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the life of those who get it.
Why do we sin?  After asking many people ranging from men to women of all ages I’ve summarized most of there answers.  They either want the good feeling that comes after it and regret it later or they just don’t realize what’s happening until it’s to late.  The main reason is because they put themselves into situations that amplify the possibility for sin.  That raised another question.
Why do we put our selves in situations that would cause us to sin?  I know from counseling people that they want to test how strong we have become spiritually.  We try out certain situations to see how strong we are or how strong we are getting.  Most of the time we fail.  It’s like if your on a diet you wouldn’t go into a donut shop would you.  This leads to my final point.
How do we get away from sin?  Avoid it!  If your not put in that environment in the first place then you can’t do it.  Set boundaries for yourself, if you have a problem with drinking then maybe you should go to a bar.  If your addicted to pornography then don’t allow yourself to be alone.  Bottom line is that you do have the power to beat sin.  It’s whether you want to or not is your main problem.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Growing up!!

This kid at a camp I worked a few weeks back had an amazing shirt that really got me thinking.  It said something along the lines of, "First they encouraged me to talk and walk, but now they tell me to shut up and sit down."  I remember saying, "Wow that is so true."  That is when I started to think about all the encounters I have had with parents and there children of all ages.  This is what I have found.  When your a baby your parents try to get you to walk and talk.  After that they want you to sit down and shut up.  As you get older they want you to stop being scared of the dark, yet they don't want you doing dangerous things.  They also tell you not to lie yet they do it right in front of you and don't even realize it.  Then you start to hit those pre-teen years and the real fun starts.  Your told to sit up straight and do what your told, but at the same time be different and don't follow everyone else.  You start to be different and then they tell you to act normal.  You hit high school and every one is telling you to grow up except the college kids who are telling you to enjoy your time there while you can.  Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that everyone is going to try and get you to follow.  It's not until you step up and act as a leader that you will truly find your own way.  Cause lets face it.  No one is the same so make the most of what you have and stop taking the individuality out of kids.  I'm talking to you world and parents and pretty much everyone including myself.  I hope this helped.  Now my writers block is gone.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Work+My Brain= Over thinking like this

While working I realized that a rake is basically combing the grass the leaves and trash left in the yard are like lice, a lawn mower is basically a hair trimmer, and I'm a hairstylist for a yard.  At that point and time of thinking this I ask myself well whats the gel and how does this grass/hair get washed and I get an even greater idea.  The grass gets washed by rain and it is molded and kept up by dead stuff.  Luckily I was finished with work and was asked to do something else which allowed me to stop thinking about the subject.  Bottom line I have a new title for my job, a yard stylist.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I was praying about a week ago and realized something amazing.  Again if I'm wrong please correct me.
Women aren't complemented enough.  Now think about this.
When a girl is younger most likely they are complemented by there parents, and told how pretty they are.  Yet as that girl gets older she no longer seeks the approval of her parents, but instead the approval of girls her age or generally guys.  Since most guys think without there brain, but something else they decide to belittle and talk down most girls.  That causes that girl in most cases to not love herself and want to be like everyone else.  Thus, increasing the need for make up, a want and a need for love by others, and sexual promiscuity.  Which I think is why girls are getting knocked up at younger ages every year.  Hint hint (Sixteen and pregnant, Teen Mom)  Both shows about under aged girls who thought that if they slept with a guy they would be loved and half of the men leave.  So here is my solution.  Complements, guys need to really man up and complement women whenever possible.  I don't mean complement them so that you can benefit from it, but instead complement them so they feel better about themselves.  Guys please start thinking with your brain and heart not the other thing.  Just try it and enjoy the reaction of making someones day.